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Soldier On

Soldier On kindly dismantled and replaced the old water damaged kitchen in the office.
It makes the area so much more inviting. Thank you Soldier On and BAE

Photo to come of finished kitchen


The Hon Steven Marshall 
MP Premier of South Australia

Steven Marshall is South Australia’s 46th Premier.

Responsible for:

Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation
Defence and Space Industries
The Arts
Veterans' Affairs
Multicultural Affairs

Veterans SA 

Veterans SA kindly offered a grant of $1,000.00
We put this grant towards the purchase of an air-conditioner for the meeting room. 
Thank you Veterans SA



I called Aqualoo for a quote for a toilet cubicle.
These amazing people generously DONATED a cubicle. They even opened the warehouse on a Sunday for us to collect it. 
Thank you so much to Aqualoo from all Veterans and First Responders and their families who use our facilities.  


Foodland Munno Para

Thank you Foodland Munno Para for your support.This voucher was given to us by a Veteran who went out of his way to arrange this for us.
The voucher was used towards morning tea supplies. 
Thank you so much.
We really appreciate it. 



Heroes On The Home Front

Heroes On The Home Front have been a massive support to A Stable Life Counselling Service from the start. They continue to help Veterans attend our program not only financially but  with moral and physical support. If you feel this program may help you but you are struggling to get here, Heroes On The Home Front offer assistance. We truly appreciate all the work they do for the Veteran community.  


Class PR

A Stable Life Counselling Service is extremely grateful to Class PR for their donation. This donation will allow us to offer Equine Acceptance Therapy to more  Veterans.

Class PR.png

A little more information from Class PR
Class PR is dedicated to creating public awareness of legal issues so that individuals understand their rights, options and possible outcomes of litigation. We optimise engagement by tailoring all communication to the target audience, facilitating effective communication between law firms, litigation funders and the public.


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